a Church

Planting churches everywhere for everyone in Canada
There are millions across Canada
who have never heard the gospel.

Andrew Lamme
Send Network Canada Director
Starting a Church




Starting a new community of faith is not for everyone. But it is for some. And maybe it's for you. So, how will you know? And if it is for you, how will you go about it? Will anyone walk with you? Will you receive helpful training to be as effective as possible? And how will the whole process impact your family?
These are all very good questions.
Our process described below should give you good answers.

Preassessment and the assessment retreat are a valuable tool in helping you and your family understand your next steps as an aspiring church planter.

Learn alongside other new planters in your area of focus in interactive sessions facilitated by an experienced trainer. This training gives you the tools you will need to develop and implement strategies specific to your context and gifting.

With extensive ministry experience and wisdom, a coach serves as a personal sounding board in your first years as a church planter.

Church planting is not a solo mission. It takes compassion and support to help a planter and his wife establish a successful church while nurturing family relationships. We come alongside you with resources, events, and gifts to encourage you and your family.