Our Gatherings
How does a family of churches that are scattered throughout 10 provinces and 2 territories, separated by 6 different time-zones and over 7000 kilometres of highway (east to west) ever manage to get together?
Very strategically.
To that end, we’re piloting something new. It's a 3-year cycle.
Year 1: 2024 - Seven Regional Gatherings
On Saturday, October 19th, we are simultaneously gathering in seven (7) locations for a combined Regional and National celebration. It is our hope that every CNBC church and their leadership will physically gather regionally as we digitally link our arms together across Canada as we celebrate, worship, pray, listen to God’s Word proclaimed, and make Kingdom revealing decisions.
The following are locations and times in your time-zone to register for your Regional Gathering:
CNBC Westcoast - Towers Baptist Church
CNBC Alberta - Jasper Place Baptist Church
CNBC Saskatchewan - Faith Baptist Church
CNBC Manitoba - Joy Fountain Church
CNBC Ontario - Morningstar Christian Fellowship
CNBC Quebec - Église La Bible Parle
CNBC Atlantic Canada - Community Bible Chapel
Year 2: 2025 - Seven Regional Gatherings
Simultaneously meeting in seven locations on Saturday, October 18th, 2025
Year 3 - 2026. The Gathering
October 20-22, 2026 - St. Johns, Newfoundland
This is our big CNBC palooza. Hundreds of churches gathering together on mile one of the TransCanada highway celebrating the movement that God is doing all across our nation.
Please plan today on budgeting for your church’s leadership to be a part of this historic event.